If you're a musician, a filmmaker, a student, an adult, an astronaut or you simply own a mobile phone, you can submit a music video to Audio Shoot Unsigned.
Don't worry, you can use cameras and high end gear and a film crew if you've got that too!
This is an Open Call to everyone, with just one caveat
- The music must be original - Something you composed yourself or with friends or that you have permission to submit.
The submission process has begun and details can be found on our Submit Page
See Frequently asked questions and Terms & Conditions
Once submissions are received, teaser extracts may be visible on our Submitted Videos Page/s so the sooner you submit, the greater the exposure your video will receive.
If you're video is then shortlisted it will be screened at the Weekend Festival in July 2019 in front of a live dedicated music & film fanbase.
You can submit as many videos as you like - See the submission categories on the Submit Page
Note: You don't need to download our Web App. You've already got it, tada! Audio Shoot is accessible on any device.
Just visit Audioshoot.com and work away. Disclaimer: Won't work on Toasters.